Almost in: Slice of Life 8/31 #SOL20

Today was going to be my day of not writing. I had pre-forgiven myself & reminded myself that I started this month’s challenge knowing that I might not write every day because our renovations are finishing up and we’re moving home. Yesterday, the movers came & took nearly everything out of the apartment we’ve been renting for nine months and moved it all over to our house. They didn’t take everything because of the *tiny* hiccup where our house has not yet been declared “fit for occupancy.” (See here for the whole story.) Which means that we packed and then unpacked all day yesterday, then went back to our almost barren apartment and slept on air mattresses (with two very freaked out cats).

Today promised to be another long & exhausting day with only the air mattresses to look forward to tonight. I woke up ready but already tired. No point in writing, I figured. No one wants to hear about unpacking. And then this happened:


Our friends showed up. Tara and Isabella organized almost our entire kitchen. Ed built one of the kids’ beds while Andre toiled away at the master bedroom. Peter and Anita showed up with beer and more kids. Carmen and her girls popped in to say hello and one stayed to help (her sister had a class, or I’m sure she would have stayed, too). Lara & Reagan came with banana bread and stayed to set up Thomas’s room.

Even the 9-year-olds got involved. We challenged them (ok, bribed them) to clear the 4-ish inches of ice from the front walkway. Look at this: img_2404

Not only did they use an ice chopper and a sledgehammer, but our next door neighbour, Mike, came over and gave them lots of tips while he cheered them on (but didn’t do it for them). They got that entire walkway cleared from a winter’s worth of ice.

And now here I am in a house that is newly full of friendship and laughter. The inspector may not think this house is ready for occupancy, but I know that it is.

And how could I not write about this day?

(PS – I will be even happier when we get to sleep here – maybe tomorrow.)


18 thoughts on “Almost in: Slice of Life 8/31 #SOL20

  1. How could you not write about the generosity of friends who gave up their Saturday to rehome you. What a journey you’ve had. And what a sense of community. Love it. Welcome Home!

    BTW: From what I can see the kitchen looks gorgeous!


  2. And I had to read this post based on the title! You are so right …this is home. It is the people not the space that makes a home. I love how this piece unraveled bit by bit. You have created a place that is and will continue to be filled with laughter, love, and friendship. I agree it is ready — one more night or two can’t dismantle what you have created. So glad you found it in you to write today. Congrats!


  3. I’m glad you stopped to write and remember this village effort! What thoughtful friends you have–angels on earth, helping when you most needed it. And a sign to keep writing, for sure. Congrats on the newly renovated home!!


  4. Ah, the joy and beauty of friends! What a wonderful outcome. I like your idea about pre-forgiving yourself if you plan not to write. 🙂


  5. Friends are the best! And the best friends know when to show up unannounced and help. I’m so glad you are mostly moved in…finally! And a clear walkway – that’s a bonus! And your kitchen…totally worth the months in the apartment (from a distance it seems that way to me. Maybe not to you yet?)


  6. What a wonderful spirit to infuse your newly remodeled home –the joy and love of friends and the rewards of collaborative effort! I’d say your home is indeed ready for occupancy. I also love that you’d already forgiven yourself for not writing and then wrote anyway. (Side note–I’m pretty sure that you could have written about writing in a riveting way. I’d bet on it!)


  7. Your pictures and writing together capture so much joy: in productivity, in camaraderie, in community. Thanks for sharing the day’s exploits!


  8. I feel like this would make a beautiful picture book. Now more and more people kept coming, bringing gifts, helping. I know you’ll be glad you captured this day… and kept your streak going.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This post made me cry. These are the lines that got me: “And now here I am in a house that is newly full of friendship and laughter. The inspector may not think this house is ready for occupancy, but I know that it is.” One of my favorite Thich Nhat Hanh quotes is this: “There is the mud, and there is the lotus that grows out of the mud. We need the mud in order to make the lotus.” I’m so glad you wrote today.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Such an amazing blessing! I hate moving. It’s such a stressful time. Your friends have blessed you and your new house with love.


  11. Dear Lord -! But yes, a blessing to have such great friends. Mine brought dinner for my family every night for almost three weeks after I broke my foot even though I am not really incapacitated other than not driving/grocery shopping (not exactly a loss, that). My very favorite thing: “I had pre-forgiven myself” for not writing daily. That is essential to the writer’s state of mind … and really, to the human state of mind in general. We have limits. First things first even if it’s not what we want at that moment. The photos are amazing – here’s to sleeping in the new place tonight!!


  12. The home that friends built. I really like the friend who brought beer and more kids. That’s chipping in! I hope the inspector chips in soon. This was a very satisfying read. It blows me away that you’re able to comment on so many posts.


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