The well-loved cat #SOL24 23/31

The text came in just before

Hi neighbours. Sorry for the late evening message. Tippy is at our place and is not willing to leave, maybe because of the cold. We can try to send her out if you are able to let her in.

Tippy is our cat. At least, we are the ones who brought her home from the Humane Society seven years ago. At this point, we are pretty sure she has several others families.

Tippy when we first got her, seven years ago. She has always loved kids.

For instance, she has definitely adopted the family two doors down. They have two girls, each a year younger than one of our boys, and no other pets. To visit them, Tippy climbs one medium-height fence and one tall fence and then paws at the sliding door on their back deck.

Not long after we got her, she began accompanying our kids to the bus stop every morning. After they were gone, she circled back to pick up the girls and accompany them to their bus stop, then she came home just in time to scoot inside as we left for work. Eventually, to her disappointment, the kids all started walking to school, and she was left to find other neighbourhood children to shadow.

The pandemic, awful for so many humans, was Tippy’s heaven. She woke and had breakfast with us, then got everyone settled for school. Mid-morning, she went out our back door, scaled the fences, and hung out with the girls for a few hours. At their house, she developed a routine: explore to make sure everything was still where it was supposed to be, then settle in a sunny corner by the front windows and wait for various people to adore her. After a good nap, she would ask to be let out their back door, then come back to our place.

This is one of Tippy’s napping places in our house.

The neighbours – with our permission – got a cat bed and a scratcher, food and water bowls, and plenty of toys. Tippy makes good use of her time at both houses.

A few months ago, we got a dog. Max is an enthusiastic black three-year-old mix of Lab & “something pretty big.” He likes cats, but the cats are significantly less sure of him. Tippy is, generally, not impressed. The neighbours, too, worry. Last night, after the text about the cold weather (it really wasn’t that cold), Andre went over to pick her up As Tippy was passed from one father to the other, our neighbour asked if she was adjusting well to the dog. “We’ve noticed she seems a little nervous lately,” he apologized, “The girls are concerned.” Andre reassured him that all was well.

Max is pretty convinced that everyone should love him, too – even the cats.

Andre carried Tippy home, we all settled in to bed, and she took up her usual spot, waiting for me to finish reading so she can snuggle with me all night. No doubt, Tippy is a well-loved cat.

Tippy and I read together almost every night.

13 thoughts on “The well-loved cat #SOL24 23/31

  1. Amanda,

    As both a dog and a cat person, I love this story. Stanley Tucci and Hero have a skittish relationship, so we u destined Tippy’s concerns. “The girls are worried” is so sweet and funny. Max definitely has a lovable face, and Tippy looks content. Soon they’ll be thick as thieves

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great cat story. It’s kind of you to allow others to enjoy the time with your cat. (I know that it’s not you but the cat who makes the decisions.)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This reminds me of the picture book Six Dinner Sid. The cat in that story had several families which led to several meals. Tippy has several families that seem to reciprocate love. I love the image of Tippy escorting the kids to the bus stop!


  4. It’s both wild and lovely to me how pets ensconce themselves in the lives of their humans. That Tippy has a set of habits with more than one family to the degree that she enjoys no less than two residences is marvelous and impressive. The images accompanying the story provide a delightful visual soundtrack (can you say that?). Shout out, too, to the ways your slice tells us about the friendships in your neighborhood.

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