Better things #SOL24 9/31

I have better things to do. I could be writing or reading other people’s blogs and commenting. I could be tidying the house before guests come, or just tidying in general. I could be folding the laundry put in the wash first thing this morning or running some errands. I could be working out or doing yoga.

To be fair, I’ve already been out for a walk and gone to the hairdresser. I’ve had my tea and played with the dog. But now? Yeah, I have better things to do.

I could be looking at the work my students turned in yesterday or planning ahead for the next unit. I could be catching up on emails or finding the numbers of all the places I need to call for various appointments for various people. 

Still, I’ve already cleared out the fridge and reheated leftovers for lunch. I’ve already started and abandoned a list of the things that I will, in fact, have to do sometime soon. Because I definitely have better things to do, like calling my sisters or reading a book, taking a nap or knitting. At this point, even watching a movie would probably be better. 

So many things are out there, just waiting to be done. But it’s the first day of March Break and outside it’s rainy and gray. I’m on the couch, wrapped in a soft blanket, and the dog is sleeping at my feet. So instead of doing any of the many things I could be doing, I’m allowing myself a luxury I rarely have time for: playing mindlessly on my phone. 

Do I have better things to do? Nah, not really.

16 thoughts on “Better things #SOL24 9/31

  1. It’s interesting, but this is the second slice I am reading about doing something relaxing rather that the long list of chores waiting. We need to be intentional about resting when we have a break especially because teaching can be strenuous.

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  2. Own it! You had a productive day in a different way. And if you cant slack off a little that first day of break, when can you? Structurally, I like the way you alternate ideas in your paragraphs. It expresses that feeling of talking to yourself and defending your actions that we all do, so well.


  3. I love the back and forth here between what you feel you “should” do, what you have done that’s already “productive,” and then the “productivity” of just doing nothing at all.


  4. I noticed how the clever use of all the things you should be doing came to an end in the last paragraph and line. Yes. It’s March break, so take it and embrace the slower pace because it will pick up again, and besides, there is one less hour in the day, so you have no time, right?


  5. Amanda, this is realization I’m coming to accept more and more…yeah, life is busy, and there are an infinite number of things I could be doing and really SHOULD be doing…but I’ve started taking the pressure off. Not sure when or how this began; it’s been gradual. For a while I didn’t even post on my blog. I watch birds whenever I can. I spend time with the granddaughters whenever possible. I binge-watch series on TV with my husband in the evenings – he had back surgery last fall and we are both still recuperating, lol. My point is – these are the things that bring me peace. You started your break taking care of you and you have earned it! The other stuff will get done. So glad you’re Slicing though – we need your words.


  6. I have spent two days now doing all the things except what I “should” have been doing. 🙂 I have plans for fun at the end of the week so I think Monday will have to be my day to do all the planning and marking and blah blah blah that I want to pretend doesn’t exist.


  7. I write this, tucked under a blanket on the couch, furry dog-friend at my side. Long live procrastination! All hail the much-needed breather!


  8. I can totally relate to this. On the one hand, I have “time” to do so many things that need doing. On the other hand, there are things I’d rather be doing, like taking a legitimate break.


  9. This sounds like the perfect day. Being productive used to be really important to me, but now I feel like I’ve had the best day if I am serious about rest, about focusing on the “being” part of human being. Break is perfect for that (mine is in two weeks and I can’t wait!).


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