I didn’t forget, I just didn’t remember

Is it really only Tuesday? How is that possible?

I was sick this weekend – completely exhausted – and didn’t get through the stack of work that I had planned to do: end of semester marking and reviewing, exam prep, report writing… I had been hoping to come into this final week really on top of things. Well, that didn’t happen.

In fact, I ended up staying home yesterday, and every teacher knows that sick days create lots of work. I had a little time between naps on Sunday to prep work for my classes and send it in. Then I tried to work while I was home yesterday – to make up for not working on the weekend – but I wasn’t especially effective.

All of this might explain how I forgot that this morning was our (weekly) Tuesday meeting. And why I hadn’t quite printed out the article I’d promised my students. And why I forgot my own book at home – but hey, I managed to print that article during reading time. (Yes, that’s cheating; yes, the students noticed.)

But the worst of it is that I completely forgot that a friend was coming to town tonight and that I had invited him to dinner. I remembered it *last* week, but I was shocked to see his text “Everything on time – boarded” as I walked in the door this afternoon.


So, about that dinner…

I thought fast, started some rice, pulled out chicken satay (thank goodness my husband cooked this weekend), and checked the cupboard for wine. My darling husband came home earlier than he had planned, picked up a pie on the way, and created a salad once he got here. My children helped me clean (there was wood carving happening in the kitchen; there was a conch shell on the table; there was laundry in the living room) and even set the table. By the time I got back from the airport, guest in tow, you would never have known that I had only sort of remembered this long-planned event.

We had a lovely evening. And then, after he was safely dropped off at his hotel, I remembered one more thing: it’s Tuesday – the blog!

Some days are like that. I’d love to say I got it all done, but given how much I’ve forgotten today, I’m just throwing in the towel and going to bed.



5 thoughts on “I didn’t forget, I just didn’t remember

  1. Love that pulling this all together was a team effort, darling husband and children pitching in! Hope the rest of your week rolls along at a bit slower pace!


  2. I’m impressed with how you handled everything on the fly with grace and humor and found a slice to share within it. Yay, you! I also love the family effort involved in pulling it off. I’m sure you’ve just made a family memory imbued with flexibility and triumph and the value of collaborative effort! PS I hope you’re feeling better now.


  3. Somehow I feel that dinner came off better than it would have had you stressed over it earlier. You seem to do well under pressure, and your family chips in. Your honesty is humorous and relatable.


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