The little things: Slice of Life 25/31 #SOL20

Today did not go the way I expected it to although, now that I’ve written that phrase, I suppose I could say that about pretty much any day of the last two weeks, which is when COVID-19 reared its ugly head in this part of the world. And, if I’m being even more honest, daily chaos of some sort or another has featured in my life for nearly 12 years (hello, children), and probably for longer than that (hello, teaching). Still, since we’re in middle of a global pandemic, I’m totally going to blame the virus rather than my life choices. After all, pandemics need to be good for *something*.

At any rate, I woke up today ready to write this blog – clearly I did not, in fact, finish it this morning because it is now decidedly evening and here I am. And, worse, none of my “hangouts” worked, my children were stir crazy (we baked brownies and polished silver, among other things – yes, you read that right. We polished silver. I cannot explain this. We don’t even *use* silver. I honestly didn’t even know we *had* silver. But there you go.) Still, I had a plan, dang-nabbit, and involved pictures. I’m plowing ahead.

Yesterday, Molly over at Nix the Comfort Zone joined Leigh Anne’s Self Care Spring Fling. Leigh Anne invited us to share our three best self-care ideas. Molly’s second was “Focus–At least for a little bit every day, take the time to slow down and focus” then added, “For me, both writing and photography help.”

If you want to see some beautiful nature photography (and read some excellent poetry, too), Molly’s blog is a great place to hang out. I find the pictures inspiring or calming or just what I need, and recently her inspiration has slipped over into my walks. My walking has increased because of COVID-19 (remember a few days ago when I didn’t even want to name it? Take that, you nasty virus! I can say your name!); I am often nearly desperate to get out of my house. With the walking has come noticing, and with noticing, photography (from my cell phone – don’t get too excited). The photographs, in turn, have enticed my children to come walk and notice. This is a cycle I highly recommend.

We have taken to looking for small unexpectedly beautiful things or big things with details we might have overlooked before. One boy likes close-ups and shapes; the other likes the way colours go together or how things look from a distance. We try to look at both natural and manmade things. We pass my phone between us, sharing each delight with the others. Every walk reveals things we’ve never noticed before, no matter how many times we have previously walked that way.

Our neighbourhood is quiet these days, and we have plenty of time to pause, notice, reflect. Our walks meander. Our focus, however, seems to have sharpened. It turns out that our everyday is brimming with wonder. Who knew?



13 thoughts on “The little things: Slice of Life 25/31 #SOL20

  1. Amanda, I love seeing these photos and all the wonder that accompanies them. And you are right… Molly’s blog is a great place to hang out


  2. I love that you and your boys are noticing things together. Pausing, reflecting, and taking pictures is an amazing way to spend time together and to learn to “sharpen your focus”!


  3. Your post went from random, stream of conscience to focus as you began to write about your walks. How did you make the collage of images. I walk every day, but now I’m inspired to not only notice, but photograph my noticings.


  4. I love how these walks have turned into noticing. It kind of goes with what Dawn said to me, from my post yesterday, living like a writer and seizing the moment. Something like that. I love that your kids are joining you and you’re capturing these noticings… you can create your own pandemic journal.


  5. Oh! I totally love this! I was just about to head to bed, but saw that you had posted and couldn’t resist reading —cause it’s your amazing writing! Anyway, I can’t express how much I love your collage of photos. I especially love that you are all contributing your own unique noticings–they make such a rich, gorgeous whole! Wow! I’m also thrilled that I am even peripherally attached to this as an inspiration (thank you!). Maybe someday we can hang out in person–as long as there’s no silver polishing involved!


  6. Fun to hear about the extra enjoyment that focused noticing brings to a walk. I’m also now intrigued by some twisted variation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that’s something like Potter’s hierarchy of chaos, which runs from teaching to parenting to pandemic-ing. Hang in there.


  7. I think we’re all in “the day didn’t go as planned” boar, and I keep thinking and writing in my journal about how this time will make those of us sho live privileged lives more empathetic, more aware. I’m finding myself drawn to solitude in nature, so I really enjoy looking at these photos. Stay well.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing pieces of your lovely neighborhood with us.
    Your first paragraph gave me a giggle. I blame eating more cookies and banana bread on the global pandemic. I’ve basically been at home for four weeks (today) and I only started eating junk two weeks ago. So there you have it. It’s social distancing’s fault.

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