In or out? Slice of Life 1/31 #sol20

Before I even woke up I was already thinking, “should I?” Of course, I knew the answer: I should not.

I answered the question yesterday at a conference when I told my blogging buddy Lisa (over at that I was only going to comment this year. I answered the question last week when another blogging friend messaged me and asked if I was participating. I didn’t write back because I couldn’t bear to say no (sorry, Elisabeth).

I answered the question at the beginning of February when our move date got pushed back to March 7. No one blogs every day for a month while they are teaching, finishing renovations, moving home, taking a course and, well, living. “That would be too much,” I told my husband sagely. He agreed.

This afternoon, I settled in to read blogs. I was already feeling a little sad about my very appropriate decision. I read Peter’s post “Working on my resume” and marveled at his decision to blog even though he knows he might not write every day this month. And something clicked.

My personal challenge right now – in so many ways – is to be kind to myself. I want to be kind to myself with all my imperfections. And here’s what I know: I love writing. I love the way I pay attention to life when I write daily for myself or for a blog. So kindness, for me, for this month, is participating in this challenge, accepting that I will be imperfect in my participation.

Slice: I am sitting on my bed in our tiny apartment. I can hear the kids in the next room. The cats wander aimlessly back and forth between us, meowing occasionally to remind us that it’s almost dinner time. My laptop is warm on my legs. Our things are helter skelter – in boxes or not, in drawers or not – as we prepare for our move in a week. I haven’t quite finished marking papers. I haven’t quite finished prepping for tomorrow’s lessons. I haven’t quite finished my next assignment for my class. Even with all that hanging over me, I feel light. I will take on the challenge of writing daily in March; and I will allow myself the kindness of failure without frustration. I will not miss out on the fun because I cannot be perfect. I will write.

Am I doing the Slice of Life Challenge this month? Yes, yes I am.


39 thoughts on “In or out? Slice of Life 1/31 #sol20

  1. Hooray! Obviously, I love that Peter inspired you and I’m obviously thrilled you’ll be here. I couldn’t imagine this month without you, taking part in whatever way feels right for you. ❤️❤️❤️


  2. Awesome. Maybe we’ll shock ourselves…maybe we’ll almost make it. Who’s to say? I’m impressed that you were just going to read and comment. For me the commenting takes as much discipline as anything. Good luck with all of your stuff. I think it’s way more than I have on my plate.

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  3. As a new slicer, it is so inspiring to hear that you couldn’t take this one off despite your very full plate. It motivates me to keep writing!


  4. Yay!! I’m so glad you’re in! I thought seriously about not participating this year too–I have got A LOT going on. But in the end, I knew I would miss it. Even if I have to write short and plaster Band-Aids all over my blog, I’m in. I also need to sit with this sentence for awhile because, wow, do I struggle with this: “I will not miss out on the fun because I cannot be perfect.” Wait, what? You mean we can do that??


  5. Yay for you! Like you, I know that I won’t be writing every day this year, and this is not the first year that has happened. I was tempted to not even try, but I remembered other years I’ve written imperfectly, and I still got a lot out of it, so I couldn’t bear not to try! However many days you write will still be more than if you’d just said no, and you’ll still feel like a writer again! 🙂


    1. I love this! Thank you for telling me that you have done this imperfectly in the past and are here again anyway. I just really want to write – the stories are seeping out of me anyway – and well, we’ll see how it goes. See you on here!


  6. It’s always hard to commit. I toyed with not doing it right up until the day the sign-up went live. Wishing you the best and lots of ideas for stories to tell.


    1. Thanks. I’m coming to the conclusion that I should just accept that I’m going to do this instead of dithering around next year. It seems we slicers are a committed bunch once March 1st rolls around.

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  7. Yes! Love the description of what you noticed around you…could picture it in my head. I too feel like I don’t have time, should say no, but that pull, that love of writing…just have to say yes! How perfectly imperfect this month will be.


  8. “I will not miss out on the fun because I cannot be perfect.” Wow, that really resonates with me. I’m so glad I found your post today!

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  9. I have been saying no, no No! But today in my inbox are all these wonderful posts from friends who said yes! And here you are, saying yes, with all you have to do. I am sitting here as the sun sets on March 1st feeling FOMO. Big time. But my kindness this year is to sit on the sidelines. Good luck! I’ll be reading and cheering.

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    1. I am so glad to hear that you are being kind to yourself. And no FOMO – you’ve got grandbabies and grand-ducklings and a beautiful bayou to fill you up. Makes me smile just to think of it.

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      1. I love being grandma but when I’m babysitting, that’s all I can do. Thanks for understanding.


  10. Yay! What would March be without your posts! I’m so glad you jumped in (although I don’t know how you are managing all that is going on in your life). I do agree that writing can be a wonderful gift that we give ourselves. I also think you are giving others a gift when you write. Happy March! SO glad you are here.


  11. I’ve been waiting all day for this post. ;). It’s hard to walk away, even though that seems like the logical choice. Some days you won’t write, but mostly you will – more than you did last month. I can’t wait to read it all!


  12. I’m glad you’ll be participating, because I so enjoy your writing! But I can barely keep up with my reading now, so I’m going to forgive ‘myself’ (and hope the slice writers I follow will forgive me, too) for not being able to read and comment on everything every day. Maybe next year, I’ll jump in. Although I do currently write every day – just for other outlets – I’m in awe of those of you who post regularly. Write on…can’t wait to read!


  13. I’m so glad you said, “Yes!” March is looking daunting to me already and I was totally on the fence. I only decided to sign up yesterday. I realized that I’d rather try and only partially succeed than to opt out totally. I love how the challenge wakens me to the stories in my daily life. I may not slice everyday, but I’ll do what I can. I’m so glad to know that you’re along for the ride.


  14. I feel this one deeply. Yes, I should have said no. Yes, I have too many things going on. Yes, it is difficult to be kind to myself. And yes, I am still moving forward anyway, ready to embrace imperfection that, hopefully, may be colored with a bit of inspiration. Can’t wait to write alongside you!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So glad you said yes! I did the same—did not commit until today. I wasn’t going to be ‘in’ this year and then—I was in. Beautiful things don’t need to be perfect to be beautiful. We do what we can.


  16. Yay! I really don’t know how I could do this without you, anyway! No pressure or anything! I thought about writing a few weeks ago, and then I thought, things just aren’t exciting enough in my life…and it’s too much pressure every day…and I’m thinking about taking up painting again…and, I’ve been sick for weeks…and somehow I remembered that it was March 1st, and once I start this thing, I may as well try every day. I am always inspired by you, and even more so with the beautiful perspective of “be present, not perfect”. I need this in so many areas of my life right now. And, by “this” I mean both your words and mine.

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  17. In praise of imperfect participation, or as a certain hockey player who’s last name is Gretzky is attributed to have said: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” Glad you’ll be taking a shot at this latest March Challenge. Plus, I see a potential silver lining: Nothing says slice material like a home move. Best wishes for all that entails!

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  18. “I will not miss out on the fun because I cannot be perfect.” THIS! I think I have to print that out and put it over my desk. Yay! I’m so glad you’re here, Amanda! Really! One of my goal might be to respond to more of the comments on my blog. That’s a piece I’m not sure I can manage well, YET. And “I will not miss out on the fun because I cannot be perfect.” Thank you!

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  19. I am so glad you are going to be posting – with so much going on you will never be without slice material! I always enjoy reading your posts! I recently moved as well! I feel your pain.

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  20. I went through similar mental gyrations, knowing the pressure I put on myself. And I came to a similar conclusion that you put so well into words: I love the way I pay attention to life when I write daily for myself. Thanks for your slice–I’m glad you’re here!

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