Six six-word stories

A few weeks ago Stacey Shubitz posted a six-word story as her Slice of Life. (She, in turn, had been inspired by Jennifer Floyd’s six-word story post.) I’ve toyed with these before, but I’ve never shared any because, well, I’m never quite content with my own. (“I’m never quite content with my own” = seven words) Story of my life. (= four words)

That said, I can’t quite shake the idea, and I keep writing them. So, without too many more words, in no particular order, here are six of my six-word stories:

His tiny naked body snuggles mine.

Found my love at their wedding.

I constantly wonder what students learn.

Started presents early; still not done.

I forsook politeness to pursue learning.

One more page, then I’ll sleep.

Head over to on Tuesdays for more slice of life stories.

17 thoughts on “Six six-word stories

  1. Oh! These are such fun. I’m always intrigued by these six-word stories, but have not yet played around with them. You have created such a lovely variety! I think the last two are my favorites. Thanks for sharing!


  2. I love these, especially since I can relate to them all. My daughter found her love at her best friend’s wedding. I am waiting for my grandbaby due in December. Can’t wait to snuggle his tiny body.


    1. Ha! Our last PD day. Our school board keeps mandating (the same) specific “learnings” and I finally lost my cool and left, went to my office and did PD (reading) that is important to my actual classroom. I pretty much always follow the rules, so it was a real change for me!

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