My personal IEP

Image result for iep memeIEP FOR AMANDA POTTS
Age: not as relevant as it used to be. Let’s just say that she no longer tells people she is anything “and a half”; also, she is old enough to have forgotten her age on more than one occasion
Address: Really? This is a blog. I don’t think so.

Educational Assessment: 18 years of formal schooling, mostly tests at the beginning, but strong performance on tests led to the increased use of essays and presentations
Assessor: teachers, professors
Notes: achieved well, though she sometimes demonstrated signs of stress during peak testing periods; possibly overly conscious of teachers’ and professors’ opinions and not focused enough on her own learning; well, maybe not in grad school. In grad school she kind of figured it out.
Diagnosis: Clever Enough, but kind of a Slow Learner

Social Assessment: observational and anecdotal
Assessor: family, friends, husband; recently her children have provided keen and unrelenting observation – although they are clearly biased, they are also painfully honest
Notes: appears friendly and outgoing but needs quiet time to recover her full energy; often over-commits and then struggles with time management; subject to bouts of righteous anger when things aren’t working the way she thinks they should
Diagnosis: Executive Processing Disorder brought on by adult responsibilities; possible movement towards introversion, but this may have been influenced by Susan Cain’s book Quiet; sometimes prone to Expecting Too Much of Self and Others

Exceptionality: yes
She’s exceptional according to her mother *and* her mother-in-law, so that has to count for something. Label: “Generally Pleasant”
Her children have recently told her she is grumpy but acknowledge that this may not be a permanent diagnosis. Label: “Occasionally Grumpy”
Her students have not yet shared their label this semester, but previous students admit they appreciate her more as they age. Label: “Fine wine”

Strengths: avid reader, bakes well, willing to have friends over even when her house is a mess, can change lesson plans in the middle of class if necessary, really likes most people, generally enthusiastic, pretty creative

Needs: reminders to look on the bright side, lots of sleep, more exercise, snuggles with her children, laughter encouraged by her husband’s cockamamie ideas

Instructional: turn off the background music so she can hear what you’re saying, for Pete’s sake; make sure she has eaten recently before imparting new or potentially emotional information; repeat information, especially if she is doing other things – like cooking, talking on the phone, packing lunches, talking to another student/child or reading – while you try to talk to her; allow for texting of friends when she is feeling snarky and needs to vent

Environmental: benefits from fresh air and sunshine; may become bad-tempered after extended winters or exposure to excessive complaining; needs at least one hour per week for yoga; is calmed by hot baths

Assessment: performs best when given a non-negotiable deadline. She may insist that she can complete the project without the deadline, but she is fooling herself. Ignore signs of stress and leave her alone until the task is complete. Produces best blogs when involved in a supportive writing community.


  1. Make sure she continues blogging after the end of March – it makes her happy. Aim for a minimum of one blog/week. Timeline: begin in one week, continue weekly or more often, indefinitely.
  2. Now that spring is nearly here, add at least two or three walks per week in order to maximize life satisfaction. Timeline: as soon as all this dang snow melts.
  3. Create a reading challenge (a la Elisabeth Ellington) and read loads of books of all kinds. Timeline: at least once per year, repeat regularly forever.
  4. Learn Patience. This appears to be her life challenge. See diagnosis of “slow learner” and “occasionally grumpy” above. Timeline: every single day until she dies.

Special thanks to Romeolitcoach whose slice about her dog Bella yesterday inspired me to write my own IEP.



Slice of Life Day 28, March 2018

Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for this wonderful month of inspiration.

18 thoughts on “My personal IEP

  1. This is brilliant. I love the “fine wine” referencecand laughed more than once, which I needed as an anecdote to tears last night. I often tell kids I have a self-diagnosed learning disability in math and have told administrators I want an IEP saying I can avoid data collection and paperwork as accommodations, but I’ve never actually written one. BTW: My husband has told me to quit blogging all month long and daily says he doesn’t get it.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I had some good laughs today, which I explain in tomorrow’s post. Today’s post sprouted from my role in the welcome wagon and comments that went days in comment moderation and then disappeared completely. I took that as a personal rejection and had an ugly crying jag. Dumb, I know. Part of my dysfunction.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Not really? That would have made me very unhappy. This publishing thing is really tough – I struggled to publish today’s post (just put it up) because, well, I have no idea why. Go figure. Ok- off to read your post for today. And I won’t let your valuable comments languish on my blog 🙂


  2. This is so clever! A great form for getting to know more about you. I’m one of those who has to eat before absorbing any information. (Also have to pee to be able to think.) I want to reread this again and again. Bravo!


  3. Amanda, your ability to self-analyze in this format is evidenced in this format. I truly enjoyed digging deeper into the Amanda I have gotten to know over this past month. May we continue to be writing pals to share the ups and the downs of life and of course our goals. Bravo!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Seeing ourselves through the eyes of others is particularly challenging and by completing this process for yourself, it seems like you’ve been able to take on those perspectives playfully. I have the sense that you had fun writing this and thinking about the different ‘stakeholders’ involved in your contexts. I certainly enjoyed reading your slice.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Amanda,

    You blog post has me tickled. Writing an IEP for self is a unique concept. Shall I try it? Hmm!

    I am looking forward to seeing more posts from you on Tuesdays as well as other days.

    No, you are not a slow learner in my book, even if you think so.

    Happy Writing.



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